Why would you need an ADHD coach?

ADHD COACH  – Jan Bavea

Usually when I write a blog post I am addressing some of the challenges my clients face, things like work life balance, finding the time to look after yourself, meeting deadlines, getting that promotion, moving ahead in your career, managing family concerns, your wellbeing, and so on.

However, sometimes we all get stuck, we procrastinate on important things and don’t take action on things we should or could. We know what could be done but it seems like too much trouble, and where would we find the time and energy anyway, even though we know that taking action would make life easier and better in the long run.

At the end of the day we are exhausted, right? So we eat something quick and easy and sit in front of the box to veg out, or we worry about the work we have brought home that we are too tired to bother with. In any case there is tomorrow’s clothes to worry about; do we iron or wear again something that doesn’t need it.

Perhaps there is the kids’ homework to supervise, and all the other things that make up family life. You manage to get through the mechanical things but just don’t have the time and energy to enjoy the relationships.

Coaching is not therapy. It’s not about having a talkfest about how awful things are, but you do want someone who understands your challenges and can help you get unstuck.

Instead, coaching assumes that you want control over your life, you are creative, resourceful, and a whole human being.

What you need is someone who hears the emotion behind your stuck state, who helps you accept and face it so that you can move forward.

Then you are able to set yourself an achievable goal and develop a plan to break it into manageable steps so that you get your job done.

For example, recently I climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

There are two levels, the first has an elevator, so you can arrive at the first scenic spot easily, but if you want the higher view and see further, you need to take the stairs. There are lots of them! It’s like climbing a high-rise building via the fire escape. There are small platforms between each flight.

You can’t stay too long on each stage because there are other people wanting to get past, and really, you can’t spend the night there. But once you get there the view is incredible.

It’s totally worth it!

In short, here are the 5 big reasons you should hire an ADHD coach to reach your goals:

Reason 1. To get past being stuck.

Reason 2. To get focused and clear when things are confusing.

Reason 3. To help you develop a plan when yours isn’t working.

Reason 4. To have someone hold you accountable when you’re not getting things done.

Reason 5. To keep you motivated and in action along the way when it gets difficult.

In short, an ADHD coach helps you realize goals, dreams and desires.

If you’re struggling with ADHD in life or in you career, then contact me and we can discuss some options to get you on track.

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