Jan Bavea coaches adults, parents, and students who have ADD and adult ADHD symptoms find focus in their work and social life.
She helps clients build confidence and develop key skills to manage the condition and find peace.
My career as a teacher, both in the classroom and as a specialist working with students with disabilities. Their various special needs made me aware that some students struggled to achieve the results they have. In particular, many students with adult ADHD symptoms did not qualify for special learning support because they did not meet the criteria required if they were higher functioning and were not especially hyperactive.
Jan Bavea coaches parents, and students who have ADD and adult ADHD symptoms
They were the dreamers who never seemed to have everything they needed and had difficulty completing work on time. They are mischievously creative, either making others laugh or annoying others. They were more likely in trouble for not following school rules.
Later as a counsellor, I realised that families did not necessarily think there was any problem. Parents might have been just the same, the behaviour seemed normal to them. If either parent has characteristics of ADHD there is a greater chance that their children will also be affected. Although the world is full of successful people who manage their ADHD in adults, there are many who constantly find it restricts their careers and their relationships.
I am committed to helping people feel better. In that way, they can do things in their lives that fuel their passions. Live without the anxiety and depression that can plague them. With my help, many are able to succeed in ways they never thought possible.
I learned that it is far better to concentrate on a client’s strengths than their weaknesses. In fact, developing and managing strengths is a great way to build confidence and mitigate the effects of weaknesses.
My practice is thoroughly grounded in the most recent positive psychology research. You can be certain that I am well-trained. I have degrees in education and psychology, and a master’s degree in guidance and counseling.
In addition, I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF) for adult ADHD symptoms. The ICF sets rigorous standards for excellence in professional coaching worldwide. You know you have a good coach if she is ICF credentialed and trained to work with ADHD in adults.