Jan, an ADHD Coach

Are you ready to find your focus and live peacefully with ADD / ADHD while creating a fulfilling, joyful life?

Request your free 45-minute ADHD Strategy Session with me where we will work together to:

  • Get clear about your goals in life and / or work
  • Find the specific nuances about ADHD that are keeping you stuck
  • Identify unique ways for you to keep ADHD from keeping you stuck
  • You’ll walk away hopeful and excited about things to come.

There’s no cost for this special, one-on-one, personal consultation. My schedule allows for one 0r two of these per week. Be sure to request yours now.

Once I get your message, we’ll arrange a suitable time for the call. We’ll talk via Skype or by voice.

Simply fill out the form below or just phone me.

I await …

[typography font=”Satisfy” size=”34″ size_format=”px”]Jan Bavea[/typography]
ADHD Coach
Brisbane, Australia
+61 407139768 (Australia)